Maybe emotion becomes so intense your body just can't contain it.Your mind and your feelings become too powerful...and your body weeps. I would rather have had one breath of her hair,one kiss from her mouth,one touch of her hand,than eternity without it.
对政府信仰的崩塌和性功能丧失两者之间的联系既是强调政治与个人身体之间荒谬的脱节也像一种昭示:主流所强调的patriotism和masculinity 一样虚无男主角在墨西哥尝试用其他方式填补男性气质内心依然感到空虚直到对被自己误杀战友的家人吐露战争真相大艺术家舞蹈教学完全放弃原有的价值观体系才重新构建认知爱国不应被有意抽象化、宏观化sure I love my country, however, when it comes to the government, let the love stop right here